• Double Sided Fabric Light Box

    Double sided Fabric light box : This double sided fabric light box can display both side advertisement. it come with stands, so people can use on floor to showing both side their advertisement. This product is frame-less fabric light box. This is very effective for indoor and semi outdoor advertisement. This is made by LED light box and both sides is transparent fabric. This fabric can change according to different promotion and services. When special LED lights turn on in Fabric light box, it give very powerful light effect to attracting peoples. These fabric light box can be use for shops, restaurants, offices and malls. We are making custom sizes of Fabric light box. This product is new product and very demanding product in market. Fabric light box has inside special type of LED light, which through lights from all sides of box. So on Fabric light box can not see any hot spot or shadows. Topside of light box, has special fabric which can show any picture or writing with bright effect. This fabric light box can be Single sided or double sided. Fabric light box can be use indoor or semi outdoor. this can be installed on glass windows also, so people can see from outside and from inside office or shop.

  • Fog screen

    Holographic Fog Screen : Fog screen is made by special machine and video or advertisement can run on this fog screen by rear projector. People can see fog screen advertisement running in the Air. From this Fog screen, people can walk through, even they can touch fog screen and still advertisement running in Air. This screen can be used in big stores or any event, shows and party. This is amazing and new product for advertisement. You can see video how its working. For video please look at under this product pictures.

  • Full Color LED Sign

    Full color LED sign

    On this full colour LED sign, it can display Text message and any colorful pictures or short videos. This full colour LED sign is programmable and it can be wireless data system. Full color LED sign is normally used to display any Images of products or people. This LED sign can be indoor, semi outdoor or outdoor LED sign.

  • Glass cube

    Holographic Glass Cube : (Holographic Pyramid) Under this category, it can be 2 types of Holographic cube. One is Single side and another is three sided cube. This cube is made by glass and it look like advertisement running in air with special holographic movie. if cube is three sided cube, then all 3 side movie running same effects. This is indoor advertisement product. It can used in shops, restaurants, malls, exhibitions. From video you can get more ideas. To watch video, please look at bottom side of product picture.

  • Holographic Fan

    Holographic Fan : This is new way of advertisement. Holographic 3D Fan can install on wall and when holographic Fan is running then movie or advertisement running through Fan. It look like this advertisement running in the air. This Fan has micro SD card, where we can copy images, text messages and small movies with special effects and it can see on fan, while its running. These Holographic 3D fan is coming is different sizes 42cm, 65cm. This product is suitable for small shops, restaurants, offices and show rooms. To watch video for Holographic fan, please check under this product picture.

  • Indoor LED Sign

    Indoor LED sign

    This is Programmable Indoor LED sign for any shop, office or mall. This LED sign is full colour and wireless data transfer system. Now in new latest technology, we introduced Transparent LED sign. This LED sign is full colour and small pixel pitch, which gives beautiful result of advertisement and This LED sign not blocking and window view.  Another indoor LED sign and normal LED sign.

  • Other Signs

    Other Signs : Action LEDs making other kinds of signs also -> like Channel Letters, Outdoor Light box. This all signs are customized sizes and with selected fonts in writing. We can also change new graphics for old light box. We also helping customers to apply for city permit for any outdoor signs. City permit fees and expenses are different according to different areas of city.

  • Outdoor LED Sign

    Outdoor LED sign

    This is Programmable Outdoor LED sign on Pylon sign. This LED sign is full colour and wireless data system. Any full colour LED sign we can make custom sizes for customers. Full colour outdoor LED sign can be install on pylon sign or on wall. Outdoor LED sign can be Three colour LED sign or Full Colour LED sign. Normally 3 colour led sign is used to display text messages and if its full colour LED sign then it can be display text message with images. In full colour outdoor LED sign customer can display messages and images on this programmable LED sign.

  • Panel Lights For Shelves Display

    Panel Lights For Shelves Display: This is new technique to showing products on shelves. Normally products on shelves is not highlighting by lights. On this glass shelves it self is panel lights, so when we put product on shelves, it can display automatically in lights. This panel light, we can supply custom size in quantities. As you can see in pictures, products are display in lights by panel light.

  • Single Side Fabric Light Box

    Single Side Fabric light box : This product is frame-less fabric light box. This is very effective for indoor and semi outdoor advertisement. This is made by LED light box and front side is transparent fabric. This fabric can change according to different promotion and services. When special LED lights turn on in Fabric light box, it give very powerful light effect to attracting peoples. These fabric light box can be use for shops, restaurants, offices and malls. We are making custom sizes of Fabric light box. This product is new product and very demanding product in market. Fabric light box has inside special type of LED light, which through lights in 360 degree. So on Fabric light box can not see any hot spot or shadows. Topside of light box, has special fabric which can show any picture or writing with bright effect. This fabric light box can be Single sided or double sided. Fabric light box can be use indoor or semi outdoor. this can be installed on glass windows also, so people can see from outside. Fabric light box can be install inside shop or office also.

  • Three colour LED sign (Tri colour LED sign)

    Three colour LED sign

    This Three colour LED sign is also know as Tri colour LED sign. Message can be display in any or combination of 3 colours (Red, Green, Yellow). This Three colour LED sign can be wireless or wired data system & this is programmable LED sign. Normally its used to display text messages. Person can upload pictures also but it will come in only three colours. (To put pictures on LED sign, Full colour LED sign is available). This Window LED sign can be install on any windows. These are available for indoor and outdoor LED sign

  • Transparent glass screen

    Holographic Transparent Glass screen : Holographic glass screen are made with holographic film and advertisement running through rear projection. This Holographic screen can be transparent or white colour, or Black colour. These holographic screen is used to advertising products and services on Glass windows. This screen is laminating on glass windows and from back side projector running advertisement on glass. It look very amazing when advertisement running on glass with some special effects. Holographic transparent screen can use at shops, offices, mall and exhibitions. This is very new product and very attractive product for advertising.

  • Transparent LED screen

    Transparent LED Screen :

    Transparent LED screen is amazing see-through technology.  It allows to advertising messages and video running without blocking any window view. 

    This is best alternate of normal LED screen. Transparent LED screen is excellent option for those who want to display their advertising content without blocking  view of glass windows. This Transparent LED screen is available with different pixel pitch. Its can controlled by wifi controller or any video processor for live shows. This Transparent LED screen also can be use in any public gathering and some shows with amazing impact result. It feel like holographic impact on people mind. It can used for displaying any messages, videos and some special effects in shows to attract people

    Transparent LED screen is latest technology for advertising different contents of businesses. This transparent screen opens up new creative options that were not possible with LCD screens and other LED screens.

  • Transparent LED Screen

    Transparent LED screen / Transparent LED sign

    Transparent LED screen is amazing see-through technology.  It allows to advertising messages and video running without blocking any window view.  This is programmable LED sign & perfect LED sign for Windows.

    This is best alternate of normal LED screen. Transparent LED screen is excellent option for those who want to display their advertising content without blocking  view of glass windows. This Transparent LED screen is available with different pixel pitch. Its can controlled by wifi controller or any video processor for live shows. This Transparent LED screen also can be use in any public gathering and some shows with amazing impact result. It feel like holographic impact on people mind. It can used for displaying any messages, videos and some special effects in shows to attract people

    Transparent LED screen is latest technology for advertising different contents of businesses. This transparent screen opens up new creative options that were not possible with LCD screens and other LED screens.